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Tolles Gerät
Mein erster Konvektions-Vape. Ich find ihn Super. Temperatur gut einstellbar. Reinigung geht auch gut, die Glasteile sollten aber nicht recht derb behandelt werden. Ein Mundstück ist mir beim ersten Abziehen vom Schlauch schon abgebrochen. Mit der richtigen Technik aber kein Problem mehr.
Gut und Günstig
Ein sehr schöner vape, wird schnell warm, leicht zu bedienen, läuft seit jahren und sehr wichtig, wenn man die gummifüsse abbaut, kann man ihn auseinander nehmen und reinigen oder reparieren.
am anfang gibt es einen leichten geruch, mein tip, die potpourri funktion für eine stunde ausprobieren.
am anfang gibt es einen leichten geruch, mein tip, die potpourri funktion für eine stunde ausprobieren.
Insgesamt ist es gut
Dies ist ein hochqualitativer Vaporizer, perfekt für einen Anfänger wie mich, der gerade in die Welt der nicht tragbaren Vaporizer einsteigt. Er bietet sowohl taschen- als auch peitschenbasierte Methoden und macht beides akzeptabel gut. Insgesamt ist er gut und zufrieden mit ihm.
leicht verständlich!
Für einen Desktop-Zerstäuber ist der extreme q sehr einfach und luftig zu bedienen. Er wird mit einer Fernbedienung geliefert, aber es gibt auch eine manuelle Steuerung. Die Lernkurve ist nicht sehr hoch, und Sie müssen auch keine besonderen Techniken erlernen. Es ist ein cooles Gerät, das solide gebaut ist und eine Menge kann. Dies ist einer der einfachsten Desktop-Vaporizer, die ich je benutzt habe.
Dieser Verdampfer hat eine eingebaute Zerbrechlichkeit und es ist ziemlich mühsam, ihn richtig funktionieren zu lassen. Er ist so konstruiert, dass er ziemlich leicht umkippt, indem man die Füße von der Kante aus hineinsteckt, was sehr lästig ist, und die Glasteile sind sehr leicht zu zerbrechen. Die schmale Kräuterschale ist etwas mühsam zu füllen und zu versuchen, eine gleichmäßige Wärme zu bekommen. Der Peitschenfilter fällt oft heraus, da sich das Glas bei Hitze ausdehnt. Ärgerlich und dann bekommt man eine Kehle voller Kräuterflocken. Ich wollte unbedingt eine Peitsche, um sie im Bett zu benutzen, sonst hätte ich mir einen Vulkan gekauft.
Großartiger Vaporizer, funktioniert sehr gut, ist preiswert, wird zügig geliefert. Eine einzige Frage: Worauf wartest du? Kauf dir einen EQ!
Sehr guter Vaporizer
Insgesamt ein sehr gutes Gerät.
Zufriedener Kunde
Ich lerne immernoch über das Gerät dazu. Es ist besonders für Anfänger einfach zu handhaben. Superschnelle Lieferung und sichere Verpackung.
perfekter Vaporizer
Nachdem zwei Jahre lang für 140€ ein Einsteigermodell besessen habe, dachte ich, dass vapen nichts für mich ist. Der Extreme Q hat mich eines Besseren belehrt. Ich habe mich seit Wochen nicht verbrannt. Er kostet sogar noch weniger als mein Einsteigermodell und funktioniert so unfassbar gut. Ich weiß nicht, warum ich ihn nicht schon früher gekauft habe. Er ist so einfach in der Handhabung, dass wir bereits nach der ersten Nutzung alles Wichtige über das Modell gewusst haben. Die Schlauchoption funktioniert einwandfrei, aber es ist hart, der Ballonvariante zu widerstehen, so gut und bequem wie sie ist. Mit dem EQ habe ich zum ersten Mal das Gefühl, alles aus meinen Kräutern herausholen zu können. Und das bei einem super Preis-Leistungsverhältnis. Ich empfehle ihn definitiv weiter, er ist für den Preis einfach unglaublich!
Sehr gut
Insgesamt bin ich sehr zufrieden mit meinem Kauf. Ich habe erst vor kurzem angefangen, meinen EQ zu nutzen und ich bin von der Dampfqualität beeindruckt; es ist nicht die beste auf der Welt, aber sehr gut. Das Gerät hat eine unaufdringlich gute Verarbeitungsqualität und wird mit Ersatz-Glasteilen für den Fall, dass sie zerbrechen. Der EQ sieht gut aus und das blaue Display gefällt mir besonders im Dunkeln. Ich habe Standard-Versand gewählt, konnte aber im Nachhinein noch zu Expresspost beschleunigen. Es hat nur zwei Werktage gedauert, bis ich ihn erhalten habe. Ich wohne zwar auch nicht weit von Toronto entfernt, aber es war trotzdem klasse. Der kostenlose Grinder ist auch ein toller Bonus. Ich bin sehr zufrieden mit meinem Vaporizer, er ist einer der besten für den Preis.
Fantastisches Gerät!
Dieses Modell ist wirklich großartig! Ich habe einen absoluten Treffer damit gelandet und danke fürs Beschleunigen meiner Bestellung! Ich habe zwei Tage früher als üblich erhalten!
Wunderbares Produkt!
Ich liebe diesen Vaporizer, ich hatte tolle Sessions mit ihm. TVape hat meine Bestellung zu Expresspost beschleunigt. Ich kann es kaum erwarten, wieder etwas zu bestellen...lol!
Großartiges Produkt!!!
Ich habe verschiedene Vaporizer ausprobiert und keiner hat mich überzeugt. Beim EQ ist das anders. Ich bin mit seiner Dampfqualität sehr zufrieden. Die Lieferung ist schnell eingetroffen und ich mag das neue, verbesserte Glasadapter für das Vapen mit Ballon. Ich empfehle definitiv weiter. Danke TVape für den ausgezeichneten Service und das tolle Gerät. P.S.: Der kostenlose Grinder ist sehr gut :)
Guter Vaporizer, ausgezeichneter Service
Guter Vaporizer. Ausgezeichneter Service. Zusammen mit Schlauch und allem Zubehör geliefert
Hör auf, zu lesen und drücke auf "in den Warenkorb"!!
Das ist bei weitem der beste Vaporizer für diesen Preis!! Hör auf, Bewertungen zu lesen und kauf ihn! Man kann so viel Gutes über das Modell sagen... Es ist klein, gut gebaut, heizt schnell auf, hat ein Gebläse für die Ballonfunktion und einen Adapter für einen Schlauch, ist super einfach zu laden und zu reinigen, ermöglicht himmlische Züge, der Dampf ist wunderbar weich... Ich könnte noch ewig weiterschwärmen. Wow. Ich hätte ihn schon viel früher bestellen sollen.
Nach jahrelangem zu scharfen Rauchen...
Wow, es ist großartig, wieder tiefe Züge zu nehmen. In den letzten Jahren sind die Kräuter, die man verbrennt, zu stark geworden. Ich habe den EQ für meine Freundin gekauft und alles für sie eingestellt. In der Erwartung, nicht mit dem Gerät umgehen zu können, wollte ich es einmal ausprobieren, bevor ich ihn ihr gebe. Erstaunlicherweise habe ich nicht ein einziges Mal gehustet! Beim nächsten Mal hatte ich meinen Iceborn im Einsatz und es war noch besser! Ich liebe die Möglichkeit, zwischen Schlauch- und Ballonvariante wählen zu können. Ich bin rundum zufrieden. Vielen Dank an Mike und Milad, ihr wart beide super geduldig und habt mir geholfen, die absolut richtige Wahl zu treffen. Zusammen mit den Leuten vom Verkauf und Versandt ein absoluter Treffer!
Unglaublich. Ich liebe ihn einfach!
Danke TVape, dass ihr so schnell und ohne Probleme meine Bestellung zu Expresspost beschleunigt habt. Es hat eine Woche weniger gedauert als üblich, und das will was heißen, denn ich wohne im Norden von Alberta. Normalerweise dauert es ewig, bis ich irgendwelche Sachen empfange. Nachdem ich den Vaporizer ein paar Mal benutzt habe, kann ich nur sagen Wow! Ich bin sehr zufrieden mit meinem Kauf. Die Dampfergebnisse mit Ballon unterscheiden sich nicht wesentlich von denen, die man mit dem Volcano erhält. Du kannst den Preis und die Zubehörteile für die Qualität nicht schlagen. Ich mag auch den Fakt, dass ich mit der Fernbedienung meinen EQ von der anderen Seite des Raumes aus steuern kann. Das einzig negative, ich habe einen Grinder als Geschenk dazu bestellt, aber nicht erhalten. Das hat mich ein wenig enttäuscht. Aber wir freuen uns auf viele Jahre, die wir den Extreme Q benutzen dürfen.
Gute Leistung des Extreme Q
Ich habe ein paar Monate gewartet, bevor ich die Bewertung schreibe. Einfach um zu sehen, ob das Gerät meinen extremen Gebrauch standhält. Ich kann guten Gewissens sagen, dass der EQ ein rundum guter Vaporizer ist für einen großartigen Preis. Auch der Bolt Grinder ist ein toller Bonus zu dem Rundum-Sorglos-Paket.
Großartig, bester Vaporizer für den Preis
Für den Preis kannst du keine besseren Vaporizer bekommen. Ich habe einen tragbaren Arizer etwa 8 Monate lang genutzt und wollte diesmal etwas, das ich auf meinen Schreibtisch stellen kann. Ich habe nicht gedacht, dass ich die Ballons viel nutzen werde. Ich habe erwartet, den Schlauch häufiger zu verwenden. Das ist aber nicht der Fall. Die Ballons sind klasse! Ich finde es schade, dass die Ballons kein Ventil haben, aber das ist auch der einzig negative Aspekt. Ich bin sicher, dass jemand diese Schwachstelle beseitigen kann. Hast du ein bisschen mehr Geld zur Verfügung und möchtest nur mit Ballon vapen, kannst du natürlich den Volcano kaufen. Suchst du nach dem besten Deal für dein Geld, bestelle den Extreme Q. Es gibt nichts bequemeres, als den Vaporizer zu nutzen, ohne sich bewegen zu müssen.
Funktioniert (weitestgehend) klasse, eine gute Erfahrung hinsichtlich der Sauberkeit
Ich bin ein großer Fan von der Schlauchvariante! Die Fernbedienung funktioniert nicht und auch das Ersatzteil nicht. (Um TVape gegenüber fair zu sein, habe ich danach aufgegeben und nichts mehr gesagt. Sie hätten mir sicherlich geholfen, hätte ich es sie wissen lassen). Die Lackierung und Gesamtkonstruktion ist sehr gut, aber nicht überragend. Es dauert ein bisschen, bis er auf die Temperatur aufgeheizt hat, aber es ist das Warten wert!
Sehr gute Tischvape
Einfach nichts auszusetzen, leicht, nicht zu groß, viel Zubehör um direkt durchzustarten. Das Team ist super und sehr hilfsbereit.
Works, but some caveats
The unit is well made, but performance is limited. I have several portable units that pump out nice streams of vapor at temperatures ranging from 400 to 420. This unit will only work for me at 430, and even at that temperature, output is mediocre at best. It takes several deep draws to get any vapor started, and once it does, you can expect many draws of low volume vapor. Do not expect huge clouds, this unit will not produce this. So if slow sessions of low volume are your thing, this unit is for you. If big huge clouds turn you on, look at other products.
Works great!
Easy to use and clean compared to a portable vape.The balloons are great. By far the best bang for your buck out there.
Just love my Extreme Q
Just loved my Extreme Q right out of the box. Easy to use, and it meets all my needs
Great product
I purchased this about a month ago, and it has surpassed my expectations. It works great!! I would recommend this desktop vape.
Es lohnt sich nicht
Funktioniert nicht, musste zurückgeben, sie besser die Garantie zu ehren. Viel zu viele Reifen zu springen durch für Rücksendungen, wirklich wünschte, ich hatte nicht bestellt.
Je veux juste un support technique, si je ne le reçois pas à temps, je renverrai le produit. Désolé pour le mauvais timing mais je n'ai commencé à avoir des problèmes que récemment. Merci de votre compréhension
suddenly it stopped working
This unit worked well for a week, but suddenly it stopped working. I don't know why. I tried to contact with the support team, but i did not get any success in it.
Awesome product
Awesome product and TVape company! I had an Arizer Extreme Q vaporizer for two years and used it often. I highly recommend this product and company.
Arizer Extreme Q
Ive owned a Arizer Extreme Q and decided to give this brand an spin. Out the gate the vapor quality at 5 minutes brewing is dismally poor. Ive actually had to turn on the fan to get decent vapor.
machine is ok
The unit is good quality but i must say the support accessories quality not much good.
Absolute steal!
This desktop vaporizer is up for almost any challenge for less than half the price of its competitors. I would recommend getting a glass screen elbow adapter and a glass screen bowl. the mesh gets filthy quickly! This product has permanent changed my herb consumption!
Prenez un Volcan à la place
Oui, si vous êtes comme moi qui fume régulièrement des herbes médicinales, vous allez être déçu. J'ai utilisé le mien et je l'ai remis dans la boîte. Le temps de chauffe est faible. La vapeur est mauvaise. Le verre est mauvais, je me brûle si facilement même à basse température. 2/5 pour ce produit mais je l'ai eu très vite. Bon service client.
Falschen Artikel erhalten
Falsche Ware erhalten und der Kundenservice ist nicht erreichbar und schreibt nicht zurück. Geben Sie niemals Ihr Geld hier aus.
Great buy
Great vapour production, I smoke 3G a day or so (combustion) and one bag off this gets me pretty stoned.
Feels a lot healthier than combustion for sure, would recommend this to anyone. For only $160 can’t go wrong.
Feels a lot healthier than combustion for sure, would recommend this to anyone. For only $160 can’t go wrong.
Great value and performance
Great thermal efficiency, PWM heater control. With a 65 watt battery bank I run it portably, ~100 lungs or alot of standby time.
Cheap parts!
Yes,I've read people have used one for 8 or 11 yrs. I personally have had three over a nine year period. Which overall is still very good value for the money but the glass parts are extremely cheap and break easily. And really, the same design forever has gotten pretty boring. In all these years we couldn't come up with a better bag system with a shut off valve. My God
The machine is amazing, its parts... not so much.
after months of thorough review searching, i settled on this very reasonably priced vape as my first desktop kit.
first of all, the smoke is incredible. it is very economical in the long run and slaps thoroughly, i hit it in the 220-240 range with level 3 fan on either the whip or the balloon and it is just wonderful with quality herb.
i love the led, i love the remote but here is where i start hating the design flaws.
i already broke 2 cyclone bowls literally from a 2ft drop. i just bought tough bowls cause going back to rolling is just horrid but let me say that many parts are cheap.
the top plastic disk to cover broke at a moments notice, and generally speaking it has a bad bad bad design, which is a shame cause for this design flaw is superficial, the machine is awesome; but arizer needs a new product designer.
so in short, arizer, make your parts more durable and less wonky and you will become gods in the herb community.
first of all, the smoke is incredible. it is very economical in the long run and slaps thoroughly, i hit it in the 220-240 range with level 3 fan on either the whip or the balloon and it is just wonderful with quality herb.
i love the led, i love the remote but here is where i start hating the design flaws.
i already broke 2 cyclone bowls literally from a 2ft drop. i just bought tough bowls cause going back to rolling is just horrid but let me say that many parts are cheap.
the top plastic disk to cover broke at a moments notice, and generally speaking it has a bad bad bad design, which is a shame cause for this design flaw is superficial, the machine is awesome; but arizer needs a new product designer.
so in short, arizer, make your parts more durable and less wonky and you will become gods in the herb community.
Awesome product!
I love using this thing! I personally prefer the bags over the whips, but both work well.
I just got it today two seconds to put it all together really really enjoyed the balloon. Nice quality and hard hitting vapor. Would highly recommend this unit!!!
Good Buy
After buying and using this product. I'm happy with my decision and with this buy.
Good Buy
After buying and using this product. I'm happy with my decision and with this buy.
Excellent Quality
Super quality, had it for three years now and use it daily. Even dropped it a few times and it always works properly. Will definitely buy again if I need to.
Awesome product
I absolutely love my Extreme Q! Everything I heard about elbow packing is true, and I don't use very much bud at all. Great product at a great price!
I am very impressed with this vaporizer and using it daily before bedtime. . .
I was searching for a good desktop vape as I already own the Smite portable vape. One of your sales reps asked me to go with this one as I want something with which I can use balloons as well as a whip. I am very impressed with this vaporizer and using it daily before bedtime. I love the vapors it produces and the best thing is its chamber size is very good.
The best desktop vaporizer I have ever tried. . .
The best desktop vaporizer I have ever tried. Ordered this one a month ago and after that, I have been using it regularly. I have Volcano classic before, but the best thing about the Extreme Q is that it can be used with a whip as well as a balloon. I have just ordered another one for my friend as a birthday present.
Love it till i discover the true face of arizer
I love it .
Arizer refuses to repair their faulty Ceramic Internal heating element, which is 'lifetime waranty'.
Pretexting pictures were blurry and that the black painting on the outside show that i used it a lot :
yes i love it and moove each 6 month for location
have to hide it from many people view
have to protect it from many damage as i changed too many Times glass elements which often Roll down desktops.(nearly reached twice the original Price for all thoses replacements parts)
SO i often stored it ,at least 2-3 Times per day ,which took me hours,for about..6 years
How Can i not HATE them for this?
What are those behaviors?
What serious is that?
Arizer refuses to repair their faulty Ceramic Internal heating element, which is 'lifetime waranty'.
Pretexting pictures were blurry and that the black painting on the outside show that i used it a lot :
yes i love it and moove each 6 month for location
have to hide it from many people view
have to protect it from many damage as i changed too many Times glass elements which often Roll down desktops.(nearly reached twice the original Price for all thoses replacements parts)
SO i often stored it ,at least 2-3 Times per day ,which took me hours,for about..6 years
How Can i not HATE them for this?
What are those behaviors?
What serious is that?
Will last you forever!
The Extreme Q has been with me for a little over a year now. It still functions pretty well. I like that it is quieter than most desktop vapes and the remote control is a bit handy for lazy people like me. It takes around 2 minutes to get heat up but taste and potency is really good and strong. This is a very reliable device. It is also pretty straight forward to clean and easy enough to maintain. You just need to deep clean it regularly and it will last you forever.
Oh my god I love this thing as do others using it.So happy I bought it ,Totally recommend it.
Great desktop deviceee!!
I received my Extreme Q within 3 days of placing the order. It came with everything you need for a desktop vaporizer. Both the bags and whip work great. It delivers a much cooler hit & is much easier to draw from even without using the fan. And, for lighter and tastier vapors I set the temp to around 380 and for denser vapors I set the temp to 410 and let it heat up for a few minutes and I am good to go. The only thing I need to be very careful of is to protect the glass parts from any damage as they are very fragile.
Love my EQ!
I have been using my EQ since 2016 and haven't faced any issue yet. Replaced some of its glass parts a few months ago but overall it's pretty solid desktop vape. The dual option of whip and balloon is awesome as I usually use my vape with a friend on weekends. One small issue is that its glass parts are very fragile and need to be handled with care.
Decent desktop vape.
I received my Extreme Q within 3 days of placing the order. It came with everything I needed for a desktop vaporizer. The vapor quality is decent and both the bags and whips work great. Although, glass does wonders for the vaping experience quality, having so many glass parts to store and switch between is a bit challenging for me.
Best desktop vape in reasonable price!
I really love the dual feature of my Extreme Q as it works good with the whip option as well as balloon option. Convenient, easy to use and great flavor. It gets a bit hot but not much. The one thing which is very inconvenient is that the Arizer Extreme Q has a longer vapor balloon fill time as compare to my old Volcano Classic.
Extreme Q
After a bit of research, I finally settled on the Arizer EQ. The built quality is great as well as the vapor and flavor quality is also nice. But, the thing that really disappointed me is that the remote that came with it which got broke the very first day I had it. And, now I have to do everything manually which is really bad.
It is 100% worth the price. Great built quality and performance with such care and precision. Works just as well and its vapor quality and potency is really great. overall it is a perfect desktop device. Nothing more to say after 6 months of use.
Would recommend
Wowow this vape has been with me through some stuff. It has moved partly across the country and worked like a charm. My first arizer extreme q broke recently. I didn’t hesitate on buying a replacement. It was well worth the cost and lasted me for a long time. Would recommend to anyone who likes to use the whip option when vaping.
I am extremely happy with my purchase, I just wish I used a different retailer. Tvape was unwilling to replace a torn bag that was included in my purchase, I had to reach out to the manufacturer to replace the part. I would recommend purchasing directly from Arizer and avoiding tvapes at all costs.
Best bang for your buck
Arrived fast, has all of the parts, and tested all the accessories.. It works well!
My favourite vape!
I highly recommend this desktop vapourizer to all my friends and can attest to its' efficiency and quality. I've been using the same Extreme Q for the past 2 years, so that's less than 34 cents per day and, as a product I use EVERYDAY, I believe it's paid for itself. My friends love it, it cuts back on the smell of the herb and it's very efficient, as well.
I love my Arizer Extreme Q and will continue to use this product for the foreseeable future.
I love my Arizer Extreme Q and will continue to use this product for the foreseeable future.
I bought this and it has so many capabiities, I can even use it with my water pipe. The service this company offers is amazing. Spoke to Shawn and I had my product the next day. Great service . The Extreme Q is really impressive, for its price point and for the accessories it comes with
Value packed
I've been looking @ the extreme couple of yrs
Bought mighty, then Aromed, then utillian 721 i think. And just bought the extreme.
Easy clean. Good quality. I'm so impressed - it's faster than the aromed which is pretty much on par when tweaked. It's my 1st experience with ballon but then again when tweaked it's just fantastic.
Bought mighty, then Aromed, then utillian 721 i think. And just bought the extreme.
Easy clean. Good quality. I'm so impressed - it's faster than the aromed which is pretty much on par when tweaked. It's my 1st experience with ballon but then again when tweaked it's just fantastic.
Average vapor quality
The average vapor quality of this unit and its feeling cheap. Gets outclassed by vaporizers within the same price point.
Great product, excellent service
I just ordered this last Friday. It was initially estimated to be delivered in two weeks; but it arrived in just 3 business days. Fantastic service!
I've only tried it once, but it's easy to use and the versatility is a plus. Very quiet. I wish the balloons had a valve so I didn't have to hold my finger over the mouthpiece, but that's a very minor point. Good value.
I've only tried it once, but it's easy to use and the versatility is a plus. Very quiet. I wish the balloons had a valve so I didn't have to hold my finger over the mouthpiece, but that's a very minor point. Good value.
Love it !!! add extra value to your unit. Take a filter, line it with aluminum foil and drop a piece of wax in there :D
Amazing vape, would buy again
Still going strong from 2010, couldn't recommend this vape enough. Happy there's still whip kits available everywhere :D
Better than I thought
Very happy with everything about it - easy to set up and the quality of vapour and taste is superior to the portables I have tried. I would definitely recommend, it does a great job.
This product is easy to use, easy to clean, not too pricy. The parts are robust, the unit is a bit light ( easy to displace with the whip ) but not enough to be a big deal.
It heats up pretty fast and produce clean and smooth clouds. Easy to clean with the Zeus grime wipes for the bowls and liquid cleaner for the whip.
Completely amazed by this product, the perfect choice for the herb user who seeks healthy usage.
It heats up pretty fast and produce clean and smooth clouds. Easy to clean with the Zeus grime wipes for the bowls and liquid cleaner for the whip.
Completely amazed by this product, the perfect choice for the herb user who seeks healthy usage.
Top Notch Vaporizer
Started my vape experience by purchasing an Arizer Solo from TVape and now moved on to the Extreme Q. Quality product. No complaints. Customer service from TVape unquestionably the best in my experience.
Great value, fantastic operation
After 4 years with a magic flight, we decided to upgrade rather than order up new batteries.
No regrets. The remote makes it easy for those lazy nights, the bag works great(we don't min dinner the lack of a valve, one less thing to get dirty.).
I would buy it again for sure.
No regrets. The remote makes it easy for those lazy nights, the bag works great(we don't min dinner the lack of a valve, one less thing to get dirty.).
I would buy it again for sure.
Years of quality
I ordered an Extreme Q from this website roughly 3 years ago.
After regular usage (and regular maintenance) this thing is still kicking like I bought it yesterday. The bags are awesome + my preferred method but the tube is good too.
Easy to clean, accurate temperature readings, 3 fan settings, and quick heating.
Would recommend this to absolutely anyone.
After regular usage (and regular maintenance) this thing is still kicking like I bought it yesterday. The bags are awesome + my preferred method but the tube is good too.
Easy to clean, accurate temperature readings, 3 fan settings, and quick heating.
Would recommend this to absolutely anyone.
Second best
I have used the Davinci and the pax, so the Arizer Extreme Q was new to me. I really love it. Great vapor, love the whip and bag option. Other than taking a while to heat up, I would say that its second only to the volcano. A great option if you want quality vapor and you want a desktop.
Great service from Toronto vape. I got a free Zeus grinder with it as well, that is the actual bomb.
Great service from Toronto vape. I got a free Zeus grinder with it as well, that is the actual bomb.
A quality vaporizer. A great customer service xperience with TVape.
I"m very happy with the purchase of the Arizer Extreme Q Vaporizer unit. It's a quality made, highly efficient and a fun to use machine. But what impress me most is the customer service experience i have with Toronto Vaporizer. They are efficient and fast shipping out the order. I selected a regular shipping mode and got upgraded to expedited which was a delight. I'm sure shopping again on TVape and will recommend it to all my friends to shop there.
Just an amazing desktop vape and value
It took me a couple days to get it dialled in to where I like it but now I just fill the bowl up to the bottom of the black handle in the bowl. I hit the 230 on the remote let it all sit there for about 15 minutes getting toasty hot, than hit it to 210 put fan on at mid and wow the clouds in that balloon are amazing.
Perfect Vaporizer
After a few years of owning an entry-level vaporizer (purchased locally for $200), I thought vaping was just not for me. The Extreme Q proved me wrong, and now I haven't combusted in a few weeks.
This thing actually cost less than our starter unit, got here extremely fast, and works so well I can't believe I didn't get one sooner. Easy to use, took us one use to get familiar with the EQ. The whip works great, but it's hard to not use the bags every time, just so convenient and work so well.
For the first time ever, I feel like I'm extracting everything I can from the herb and getting the most bang for my buck that I possibly can. Recommend to anyone, this thing works unbelievably for the price.
This thing actually cost less than our starter unit, got here extremely fast, and works so well I can't believe I didn't get one sooner. Easy to use, took us one use to get familiar with the EQ. The whip works great, but it's hard to not use the bags every time, just so convenient and work so well.
For the first time ever, I feel like I'm extracting everything I can from the herb and getting the most bang for my buck that I possibly can. Recommend to anyone, this thing works unbelievably for the price.
Best vapo out there for the price. Its takes a little bit longer to blow up the bag than the volcano but for $475 cheaper, I could not care less.
Its clean and easy to use, I had to over at my friends house on Sunday for football and people couldn't believe the price and how well it worked.
I received it in 2 days, which is amazing. Thank you Toronto Vapo for making my medicine easier and safer
Its clean and easy to use, I had to over at my friends house on Sunday for football and people couldn't believe the price and how well it worked.
I received it in 2 days, which is amazing. Thank you Toronto Vapo for making my medicine easier and safer
Great Vape! (just buy lots of the bowl shaped screens)
This vape is absolutely great, I've had it for about 5 months now and am very satisfied with my purchase. Definitely recommend this as a desk top vape!
I used to have No2, and found the intense heat in combination with the short mouth piece made for some harsh vapor.
This unit in contrast is much smoother with the addition of the fan when using the whip. I definitely prefer using the bags though, as they fill up really nice and have a smooth consistent vapor.
The only issue is that the bowl screens that go in elbow adapter and the glass mini whip piece tend to get covered in oil and need to be changed frequently. I have 5 and they need to be cleaned once a week which is very easy to do with any bong cleaner solution, but a bit of an inconvenience. I would recommend having 10 or more bowl shaped screens if you plan to use the unit several times daily.
Toronto Vaporizer also shipped the unit out very fast and the Zeus grinder is freaking awesome, so big thanks to them!
I used to have No2, and found the intense heat in combination with the short mouth piece made for some harsh vapor.
This unit in contrast is much smoother with the addition of the fan when using the whip. I definitely prefer using the bags though, as they fill up really nice and have a smooth consistent vapor.
The only issue is that the bowl screens that go in elbow adapter and the glass mini whip piece tend to get covered in oil and need to be changed frequently. I have 5 and they need to be cleaned once a week which is very easy to do with any bong cleaner solution, but a bit of an inconvenience. I would recommend having 10 or more bowl shaped screens if you plan to use the unit several times daily.
Toronto Vaporizer also shipped the unit out very fast and the Zeus grinder is freaking awesome, so big thanks to them!
Incredible absolutely love it
Thanks to torontovape for being very quick and friendly and upgrading my shipping as the extreme q got here a full week early and that's awesome as I live in northern Alberta so takes forever for things to arrive normally. And after using this thing a couple times all I can say is wow I'm very happy with my purchase and the results of the balloon are no different than that of the the results from using the expensive volcano. You cannot beat the price and accessories for this kind of quality. I love the remote it works from across the room with no issues. Only thing I have to say is there was suppose to be some kind of grinder that came with it I thought ? As I never got one in my package and was kinda disappointed with this.
We are looking forward to many years of use from this machine
We are looking forward to many years of use from this machine
After years of smoke being too harsh ...
Wow it is so great to have a draw again, combusting herb became too harsh a few years ago. Bought this for my GF, hooked it up for her and decided to give it a try expecting not to be able to handle it, to my surprise I didnt even cough once! Next night my Iceborn was frozen and ready to go and that was even better.
Love the option for whip or bag, great unit could not be happier.
Many thanks to Mike and Milad you were both super patient and helped me make the absolute right choice, matched the other guys sale and threw in expedited shipping for the win.
Love the option for whip or bag, great unit could not be happier.
Many thanks to Mike and Milad you were both super patient and helped me make the absolute right choice, matched the other guys sale and threw in expedited shipping for the win.
Works great (mostly), nice clean experience
Big fan of convenient whip! Remote didn't work, got a replacement that also didn't work. (To be fair to the shop, I gave up after 2nd remote didn't work & haven't let them know - I am sure they would try to help if I did) Finishing & overall construction is very good, but not great. Does require a bit of time to warm up, but well worth the wait!
Very good vape.
Very good overall.
Extreme Q great value
I waited a few months to write a review just to see if this product would hold up to my extreme vaping and I can honestly say this is a great all around vaporizer at a great price and the bolt grinder is a nice added bonus fast shipping hassle free service
Satisfied customer
Still learning about the unit. Pretty easy to use for a first-time vaper. Super quick delivery with quality packaging.
Awesome Product!
I love this vape, been having great experiences with it. They even upgraded my shipping. Can't wait to my next order......lol!
Awesome Unit!!
This unit is truly awesome. Been having a blast with it and thanks to the upgraded shipping, I got to try it out two days early!
My favorite remote to use around the house, is the remote to my extreme!
Hands down best vaporizer for the money!
This is the #2 vaporizer in North America for a reason. And if you are an airflow purist, then this is the #1 solution. Pure glass all the way, no metal. If you are wondering if this will produce clouds of vapor, wonder no more. It will. It will vaporize herbs, concentrates, and oils with perfection. If you are worried about spending the money on this and if it will work, stop right now and buy it. You do not need the expensive one that starts with a V.... And this one is made and designed fully in Canada. We are the best!
This unit is a fantastic buy. It allows you to try both the whip and the bag method for a really great price.
Letting the herb heat for about 5 minutes in the unit makes for awesome bags but if you're in too much of a hurry to wait it also works well right away.
As far as vapor quality it really satisfies. You have a lot of heat control so you can crank it to get nice big vapor clouds and a little tickle in the chest. On the other hand turning down low allows you to get the best tastes I've ever had with herb.
All things considered I would strongly recommend this vape. Being a very informed and discerning buyer I am totally satisfied with my purschase and with Toronto Vaporizer. They were fast and very professional.
Enjoy :)
Letting the herb heat for about 5 minutes in the unit makes for awesome bags but if you're in too much of a hurry to wait it also works well right away.
As far as vapor quality it really satisfies. You have a lot of heat control so you can crank it to get nice big vapor clouds and a little tickle in the chest. On the other hand turning down low allows you to get the best tastes I've ever had with herb.
All things considered I would strongly recommend this vape. Being a very informed and discerning buyer I am totally satisfied with my purschase and with Toronto Vaporizer. They were fast and very professional.
Enjoy :)
top quality for its price
pros- easy to use, good vape quality, the sleek setup
cons- the glass elbow adapter ( i had to stop using my vape because id often break pieces rather easily obviously can be up and running if i got a new part) but i find parts fragile
cons- the glass elbow adapter ( i had to stop using my vape because id often break pieces rather easily obviously can be up and running if i got a new part) but i find parts fragile
Good vape superb service
Good vape. superb service. Shipped with all glass mini whip set
Great vaporizer, works really well, low price, fast shipping. Only question is, What are you waiting for? Buy one!
Amazing, best vape for the price
For the price, you cannot get better. I've been using a handheld Arizer Air for about 8 months now and wanted something I could pop on my desk. I didn't think I'd get a lot of use out of the bags, I figured I'd be using the whip a lot more and that is not the case. The bags are great. The only downside is no valve on the bags, but I'm sure someone could come up with it.
If you have the extra money and only intend on using bags, then sure spending $600 more and get a volcano. If you're looking for the best bang for your buck, get an Extreme Q. Not more convenient than turning it on and not having to move.
If you have the extra money and only intend on using bags, then sure spending $600 more and get a volcano. If you're looking for the best bang for your buck, get an Extreme Q. Not more convenient than turning it on and not having to move.
Stop reading and press add to cart!!
This is by far the best vaporizer out there at this low of a price!! It's a no brainner, stop reading reviews and buy it! There is so much good to say about this unit, like small, we'll built, heats up fast, has a fan for ballons, has a wip adaptor, super easy to load and clean, draws like a God, vapour is so smooth....... I could go on for ever. Wow should have ordered this unit long time ago.
Très bon vaporisteur
Ce vaporisateur est super pour son prix: qualité de la vapeur, goût, option. De plus, le service était rapide: mon vapo est arrivé chez moi à Québec 3 jours après l'avoir commandé. Le grinder qui vient avec est de loin mieux fait et de meilleur qualité que n'importe quel autre grinder que j'ai pu acheté au magasin.
170c is the sweet spot!
I can make a load last an hour on temp 170c with bags, it's the sweet spot for sure. I'm so happy that I tried this, thank you!!
Very Good
Overall, I'm very happy with the purchase. I just started using mine and I'm impressed by the vapor quality; not the best in the world but pretty good. The machine seems to be of a decent build quality and comes with extra glass pieces for when they break. It is a very good looking vaporizer, and the blue lighting on it looks nice in the dark. I chose standard shipping but was upgraded to expedited, which was a nice surprise. It took 2 business days to get here, however I live relatively close to Toronto. The free grinder is a nice bonus as well. I'm definitely pleased with the vaporizer, it's one of the best for the price.
Best value for the price
This is an Amazing little unit that works wonderfully! Steal of a deal off sale and on sale too! I've been using it for several days now and love it. Huge upgrade from my MFLB (Magic Flight Launch Box) Set it a bit higher than you would normally vape at (5-10*) as the heat sensor on these units measures the ceramic core and not the actually temp hitting your botanicals. As others have posted, definitely let the unit warm up for about 10-15mins a few degrees above your intended vape temperature (I warm at about 15* above) On fan speed 1. So far I use strictly the 'elbow pack method' as I found the cyclone bowl uses a bit more material and I found it used it rather quickly (but it still puts a smile on your face!! :-) Hehehe
Do yourself a favor and get this unit if you are considering it, I know I'm glad I did!
Do yourself a favor and get this unit if you are considering it, I know I'm glad I did!
This is fricking great
I have tryed different vaperisers at friends homes and was never in pressed but i did some looking and desided to get this. Thank you TV this is great shipping was fast. I have used this for 3 day's. My usage is down by 1/2 i so much more enjoy my meds. Works like a charm. I live in the states and found the persets on the remote match just what you need. Vap is a bit warm but am getting a iceborn so hopeing that fixes that. Other then that i love it even called a couple friends that are not vap fans and they loved it. If your thinking of buying it stop thinking and just give them your money. Thanks Toronto vap you guys rock you have a customer here.
I have tried many vaporizers in the past and have never really liked them. after purchasing the extreme q im very pleased with the vapour quality! The shipping was fast and i love the new upgraded glass elbow for using the bag system. I would highly recomend this product and thank you toronto vaporizer for great service and a great product.
p.s The free grinder is very nice :)
p.s The free grinder is very nice :)
Excellent product.
I'm extremely happy that I have one now. This is the only way go. Getting one is doing yourself a favor It will pay for itself in no time. The shipping is top quality and discrete.
Great store };~))
Great store };~))
Worth every dollar!
I couldn't be happier with this product! It's built well, works great and the price is fantastic. I would highly suggest this unit to any who is in the market for a desktop unit.
Excellent vaporizer at a great price!
Have had the unit for about 3 months and use it daily. It's quick to heat up, delivers excellent vapor and is relatively easy to clean. Design is nice and it does not look out of place on my end table. I've used a few vaporizers before (including expensive volcano units) and for the price this unit can't be beat!
The ONLY complaint I have about this unit is the poor design of the glass elbow which is VERY fragile and easy to break if you are not careful (but will eventually break even if you are). You can buy an upgraded / more solid cyclone bowl but sadly there is no better option and you are stuck buying replacement elbows which are as weak as the original. Hopefully Arizer will produce a more sturdy elbow!
All things considered I would definitely order this Vaporizer again.
The ONLY complaint I have about this unit is the poor design of the glass elbow which is VERY fragile and easy to break if you are not careful (but will eventually break even if you are). You can buy an upgraded / more solid cyclone bowl but sadly there is no better option and you are stuck buying replacement elbows which are as weak as the original. Hopefully Arizer will produce a more sturdy elbow!
All things considered I would definitely order this Vaporizer again.
A little regret, but still happy
in hindsight I wish i watched the video of the vapirrise. I think that unit is cheaper over time. I like my extreme q and am happy with it. I was being cheap when i made the decision, but after i accidentally pulled it off my desktop two of the glass pieces broke. well that put the cost up to what i would have paid for the vapir rise. Overall i think this is a great unit, but if you can put in the extra 50$ go for a unit with less glass parts, like the vapir rise or the volcano.
works well but smells badly
Unit works well but changes made by Arizer and not noted here do make a difference
the new silicone whip hose absorbes odures very badly and quickly less than 3 days after getting unit room stinks of the herbs used in it if the whip is kept in an airtight container there is no room smell so the whip is the issue and makes the unit a pain in the butt.
Also the short whip was changed to a glass on glass system very nice but you will not get a second elbow as stated so if you break the one on the long whip you wont have a spare, buy a spare when ordering
the new silicone whip hose absorbes odures very badly and quickly less than 3 days after getting unit room stinks of the herbs used in it if the whip is kept in an airtight container there is no room smell so the whip is the issue and makes the unit a pain in the butt.
Also the short whip was changed to a glass on glass system very nice but you will not get a second elbow as stated so if you break the one on the long whip you wont have a spare, buy a spare when ordering
the vapor balloons are Awesome
if you only vape around the house like I do, just go with this one and blow up as many balloons as you want with vapor and you can host a party with the arizer extreme q!
love my new arizer extreme q
Does what it says it does. i haven't had any problem with the glass parts breaking and in fact i prefer them over plastic parts, just because i am a bit paranoid. LOL
Read the Instructions
This is a super great unit, gets hot fast, and fills bags quick enough. Yet the speed at which it takes to vaporize 5 bags is about 25+ minutes. Whips work great, just not my thing. I wish the bags had something to cap them with so that you didn't have to hold your finger on the end until the entire bag was gone.
vaping happily
pretty good machine,just to have to wait a bit.let see with time if it goes a long way.thanks
yess fast shipping.exellent
yess fast shipping.exellent
I have had this item for about a year now and have gone through 2 separate orders of bags ($25 each order) and had the fan randomly stop working many many times. I enjoyed it for a few months but if you do not stay on top of cleaning the parts or let anything fall down into the machine you run into trouble. I really wish i spent the extra couple hundred for the volcano now.
An upgrade from my MFLB - Happy with my choice
First Tabletop - looking forward to sharing with friends
Received in the mail 2 days after ordering and couldn't be happier with the product! Also the grinder it comes with works really well!
Good vape for the $
Overall : good quality vape. I haven't used the whip as I was interested in bags. Similar to a volcano ; I've tried both. The vapour isn't as dense as a volcano but gets the job done after 2-3 bags imo.
End of day : it's s healthier way to consume your herbs of choice.
End of day : it's s healthier way to consume your herbs of choice.
Great product. Great seller.
Ordered my extreme q Sunday at 10 pm. By noon Tuesday it was at my house. Unit is amazing. Loved the personal note that was sent with the package. Not to mention the Zeus grinder. Awesomeveryone experience all around. Machine is a gem. a little the bowl at 200 made 3 nice bags. Increased 5 degrees each refill.
Experience was amazing and would happily refer and order again.
Thanks to all at Toronto vaporizer!
Experience was amazing and would happily refer and order again.
Thanks to all at Toronto vaporizer!
Excellent !
First of all, these guys at TorontoVaporizer.ca are amazing. I live in Ottawa, and for a marginal extra bucks I basically put my order online around 4pm one day, and next day at that time I was inflating my first balloon, just incredible. I was really impressed with the freebie grinder, which does not look like a freebie by any means, best grinder I ever had.
As for the Extreme Q, I have a magic box that gives me portability, but the Extreme Q is just perfect for at home use, it's a ridiculous amount of value for the price. The remote is actually really useful, and I like the adapter for essential oils to freshen the room after vaping.
As for the Extreme Q, I have a magic box that gives me portability, but the Extreme Q is just perfect for at home use, it's a ridiculous amount of value for the price. The remote is actually really useful, and I like the adapter for essential oils to freshen the room after vaping.
Great Vape & Great Store
Love the Arizer Extreme Q. An excellent product from an excellent store. I highly recommend both! The product works better than I expected and was very mpressed by how quickly I received it.
5 stars
excellent vaporizateur shipping ultra rapide jai commander vendredi matin (Qc) et recu lundi matin avec la livraison standard seul petit point faible ,tout le tour de l'élément chauffant il y a une espace ou la cochonnerie sacumule si non c le meilleur que jai essayer a ce jour
A very nice product!
Pleased with this product!
Great Product
This is great product which i have ever used.
The best!
The best product ever!
Great buy
This unit has it all for your money bought mine after my son in law showed me his great unit highly recommend.
It really is extreme!
Very pleased with this purchase. Arrived sooner than estimated (which ended up being a Friday instead of the following Monday which was very nice!). Build quality is excellent, feels sturdy and is surprisingly light. Comes with lots of extra components which are nice to have around. As others have mentioned the EQ is really only second to the Volcano, but at such a better price, for me this comes out ahead.
With TorontoVaporizer keeping it classy with the free Zeus grinder promo this was a no brainer. If you want an excellent stationary vap for your money, get this.
With TorontoVaporizer keeping it classy with the free Zeus grinder promo this was a no brainer. If you want an excellent stationary vap for your money, get this.
Amazing product. Awsome shop
Ordered my extreme q and received it in under 3 days. Toronto vaporizer was extremely helpfull and had the best price around and came with free grinder that works awsome aswell. The extreme q does the job right with excellent vapor quallity. My next vaporizer will be portable and plan on sticking with airizer. I will definately be using toronto vaporizer again and would recomend them to anyone looking at portable or stationary vaporizers.
Everything you need!
I bought this as my "at home" Vaporizer and I was blown with it's performance. So many options to make it a very custom feel to your acquired taste! 3 fan speeds and temperature control combinations will give totally different vapour qualities!Bag and whip and aroma therapy bowl too,amazing price and quality!I'm in love!:)Thanks again Toronto Vaporizer!:)
Great Vape!!!!
I purchased this for my husband and at first it seemed a little complicated but once you go through it all-its not that hard! I was thinking of getting a volcano at first but a friend told me about this one and I am so happy I got it. My husband and I absolutely love it! It's lightweight, efficient and overall awesome! Would definitely recommend it!
Great product for the price, the shipping was really fast!. Very happy with purchase!!
Thank You!
Thank You!
Excellent product
I love everything about this product. I took the cleaner , works very well. Gotta love the bolt grinder for free too!
kick ass
best yet
I'm a new convert.
I have only had the Extreme Q for a couple of weeks... but they have been a good couple of weeks. I am still figuring out the sweet spot but letting the glass preheat is definitely a must. I haven't even opened all the accessories, just the whip, but plan on trying the bag this weekend. Would love to know what temp people find the best...
Now Toronto Vaporizer... fantastic. Amazing customer experience and fast shipping. Big thanks.
Now Toronto Vaporizer... fantastic. Amazing customer experience and fast shipping. Big thanks.
Glass Elbow thing breaks!
The EQ has great vapour, but buy extra glass parts! they break pretty easily!
Shippng to my dorm room was fast and easy and my roommate and I LOVE it. props to TV for the deal on my first vape and free grinder, they are awesome. :D
"keep vaping" ;)
Shippng to my dorm room was fast and easy and my roommate and I LOVE it. props to TV for the deal on my first vape and free grinder, they are awesome. :D
"keep vaping" ;)
Stellar vape
I have two friends who have the Volcano but honestly, I cant afford it. So the next best thing seemed to be the EQ. I called in and the sales rep was super helpful. We chatted about what I needed in a vape and after a few minutes I was sold on the EQ because of all the options. The remote has been a blessing for when I'm too lazy to get up lol and the bag is great for when my crew is over. I myself prefer the whip because I only need a few sips and the bag seems a waste when I'm alone, but the bag is a great option none the less. I would certainly recommend this unit and even though its not the 'best' vaporizer ( if you consider the volcano the best ) I now have an extra 400 dollars in my pocket to spend on botanical that my friends cant say they have lol. Bless up to TV, their awesome prices and their stellar service!
Better than expected
Almost just as good as the Volcano, well worth the money.
Outstanding price!
As a new user towards vaporizers, i was sceptical to use one . After ordering friday and receiving monday, i am totally satisfied with this company and the Arizer Extreme Q. I got a promotion with a free zeus bolt and zeus temple for 39.99. All work wonders for me. I am very impressed with the price as i saved my self almost 80.00 ordering from your site, thank you!
This vaporizier is one of a kind, made in Canada. You cant get any more canadian made than this. it works wonders for vaping whether you bag it or whip it, it wll surely surpass your needs than compared to other vaporizers of the same price or more. Never used to volcano, but know a few people who say this vape is just like the volcano. This is highly recommended for people who want to switch to vaping and are on a tight budget. You get so much extra accessories and parts, shipping is fast. Price is outstanding compared to other websites, this vape is a wonder. BUY IT NOW! :D
This vaporizier is one of a kind, made in Canada. You cant get any more canadian made than this. it works wonders for vaping whether you bag it or whip it, it wll surely surpass your needs than compared to other vaporizers of the same price or more. Never used to volcano, but know a few people who say this vape is just like the volcano. This is highly recommended for people who want to switch to vaping and are on a tight budget. You get so much extra accessories and parts, shipping is fast. Price is outstanding compared to other websites, this vape is a wonder. BUY IT NOW! :D
Once you know how to set it up and use it, it is a beauty.
Its absolutely a great to use, and the fan is fast.
The Ex-Q isn't too high price so it saves you money for other things.
Its absolutely a great to use, and the fan is fast.
The Ex-Q isn't too high price so it saves you money for other things.
What a great seller!
I received quick shipping, a great price, and a fantastic Arizer Extreme Q!
I was surfing online more than 3 hours, yet I never found any interesting site like yours.
Wow because this is really great job! Congrats and keep it up and this vap is great.
Excellent product, especially for the price
Well it's been a year now since I bought the Arizer Extreme Q tower. And after that long I can guarantee you that you're buying one of the best product for it's price. The vapor quality is amazing.
You can either use the whip or the bag. It's pretty convenient and easy to use. I always suggest to pre heat the glass to the expected temp.
The only cons for me is when you have to assemble a new bag. It's not easy to tie the 2 plastic pieces but it's a details.
I had the occasion to try the Volcano and I was pretty happy that I choose the Arizer given the price difference :).
Eyes closed, 4.5/5
You can either use the whip or the bag. It's pretty convenient and easy to use. I always suggest to pre heat the glass to the expected temp.
The only cons for me is when you have to assemble a new bag. It's not easy to tie the 2 plastic pieces but it's a details.
I had the occasion to try the Volcano and I was pretty happy that I choose the Arizer given the price difference :).
Eyes closed, 4.5/5
new to vaping STOP shopping thisis exactly what you need
This product is the best for the cost. The ability to control the temperature allows you to control your temperature. This a great product and the customer service is great also. YOU can't go wrong
Great service and Product
The Vaporizer is great. I laughed a little at the remote at first but it is a necessity. it makes using the unit so much easier. I am having great results from this machine and I haven't used anything else since it was delivered.
Service from Toronto Vaporizer was great and delivery was fast.
Also, have a look around on-line for promo codes, saved myself $20. The lower price guarantee is a nice perk as well.
Service from Toronto Vaporizer was great and delivery was fast.
Also, have a look around on-line for promo codes, saved myself $20. The lower price guarantee is a nice perk as well.
Really happy I bought this machine. Very tasty vapor, easy to use (with the remote), and it has the potpourri bowl. Would buy again.
I have been using this unit for several months now and rarely ever take time to write a review on a product after i purchase it.
However, this unit does everything i wanted it to do. Takes a bit of time to discover the sweet spots on how to use it, like how long it needs to preheat etc.
The parts are well made, dropped glass pieces several times even and they havent broke.
But, the main reason i took the time to write this is because the switch to vaporizing has changed my life. I feel healthier. Period.
Very happy with my purchase!
However, this unit does everything i wanted it to do. Takes a bit of time to discover the sweet spots on how to use it, like how long it needs to preheat etc.
The parts are well made, dropped glass pieces several times even and they havent broke.
But, the main reason i took the time to write this is because the switch to vaporizing has changed my life. I feel healthier. Period.
Very happy with my purchase!
Great Vaporizer !
I was very satisfied with my purchase at TorontoVaporizer.ca! My Extreme W came in 3 days and I love using it! Way easier on the lungs and offers lots of different options! Thank you Toronto Vaporizer!!
Easy. Inexpensive. Perfect.
I specifically bought this vaporizer for the vertical bowl orientation, this way its evenly distributed instead of leaning against the glass.
I like this more than the Volcano devices to be honest.
I like the LED lighting and the remote, the auto shutoff is really nice as I have woken up the next day realizing I left my device on (oops).
Highly recommended.
I like this more than the Volcano devices to be honest.
I like the LED lighting and the remote, the auto shutoff is really nice as I have woken up the next day realizing I left my device on (oops).
Highly recommended.
Very pleased.
I just received my Extreme Q and I am more than happy with my purchase.I have a close friend who has one and I have had enough testers to go solo with my own. I like the fact it is a Canadian design and a lifetime warranty on the heating element says a lot about Arizer. The free gift is always a nice bonus. Always a pleasure doing business with TV. John from the west coast.
Decent Vapor. High Maintenance. FAST SHIPPING!
The vapor quality of this one is decent but I find it very dry. I have since moved on to the AroMed which has resolved this issue as well as other minor issues. That being said, the Extreme Q and even the V-Tower by the same company are great units for their price. They just do not match the greatness of the AroMed
Best all around Vape
This is easily the best all around vaporizer I have ever used!
Vapour: 9/10
Materials 8/10
Ease of use:9/10
The options and accessories that the Extreme Q comes with are tops in the vape world!
Customer service was first class!
Shipping was quick!
So so so so happy! Keep it up Torontovaporizer!
Vapour: 9/10
Materials 8/10
Ease of use:9/10
The options and accessories that the Extreme Q comes with are tops in the vape world!
Customer service was first class!
Shipping was quick!
So so so so happy! Keep it up Torontovaporizer!
The Bag is the best!
The bag is the best part of the extreme Q, using the long whip or the short whip is okay if you prefer to sit in one place the whole time. Very happy with the product, their how to video on youtube really helped out, and i'm def a new loyal customer
love my vapourizer....and this company
I've been thinking about buyin a vapourizer for a while...I wanted to switch to vaporizing....best move I ever made.The Arizer extreme Q works great.This machine is far more efficient and way easier on the lungs.It'll pay for itself in no time.......I highly recommend switching.....delivered in 2 or 3 days...it was quick PS the Zeus hand grinder was a sweet bonus...love that too
great value
I gave 3/5 quality for the GLASS parts, the rest of the stuff looks and feels well made, the glass elbow's both broke on me in first 2 weeks of using it.
If anything just be careful of the glass pieces and perhaps order some extra's like I'm about to.
If anything just be careful of the glass pieces and perhaps order some extra's like I'm about to.
pounds for dollars best vape in world
I love how confident these guys are. They asked me to post a review 3 times in the purchasing process lol. They must know they are going to get a good review. Anyhow I bought the arizer extreme q on Friday with an email transfer(supposed to take longer) and received it on Monday. Awesome service. Vape itself is really good. Would suggest using the elbow pack method for better results. but yeah people complain about the glass. But hey its sturdy well made glass so no problem with me. Overall great experience shopping with Toronto vaporizer, will definitely be back.
Great working machine loaded with all the functions
Ordered and received it within four days with a hand written note telling me to enjoy. Nice! The grinder that came free with purchase is sweet, works great. The extreme q works awesome as well, very happy with all the spare pieces included and the quality of this whole transaction was excellent.
Definitely the best for your money!
Definitely the best for your money!
Excellent product, excellent service. fast delivery, thanks
This is only the second type of vaporizer I've tried so I'm no expert but it works great and I am very pleased with the service. Great prices, super-fast $5 shipping (ordered it Wednesday morning and it came Thursday morning). Very well packaged and the Extreme Q works awesome. Fast heat-up and tastes great plus it has a great warranty. Plus as an added bonus, it's a Canadian company. Thanks TorontoVaporizer.ca for a quick and pleasant purchase and the bonus grinder.
The Arizer Extreme Q has been great. Easy to set up and use and the fact that it never touches the heating element means a nice long vape session. Heats up nice and fast, the bag function is great if you feel like being more mobile.
Easy to clean and easy to use, for the price this vaporizer cannot be beat, comparable vapor to the Volcano at 1/3 the cost.
Easy to clean and easy to use, for the price this vaporizer cannot be beat, comparable vapor to the Volcano at 1/3 the cost.
Best value "Stationary"
Guys this is an AMAZING vaporizer for it's price. Although the Volcano's design is beautiful, the EQ does not lack much in other aspects. Definitely do not regret buying this vape :) Would recommend to anyone that wants the best for less !!
Vapourizing for the first time
My wife had some lung issues, so we thought we'd order a vape. We were both like a couple of kids with a new toy when the Extreme Q arrived and we are very very impressed. A great experience, no lung issues. Looking forward to using the balloon. All you guys, try a vape, you won't regret it. Toronto Vapourizer is a great place to order from. Good service, great packing, quick service.
A great first table vape
I had never vaped before but wanted to try it, to see if it's all its made out to be. I'm really glad I chose the Extreme Q! I wanted to try different vaping methods (bag, whip etc) and this vape lets you do that. It's easy to use even for a first-timer, and easy to keep clean. Fill up the bowl, heat it up (takes about 30 seconds tops) and on your first draw you're vaping with no hassles. Yes it has glass parts, but this vape comes with extras, and it's not hard to order more when needed. I also like the sleek black design - and yes, the blue light. With the large "lip" around the outside, this vape is NOT easy to knock over. This is an excellent vape, well worth the money, and I'm looking forward to enjoying it for years to come!
Great Vaporizer with an unbeatable price!
The Arizer Q is my first stationary Vape after buying portables the last 3 years. The Arizer is used about 1 - 3 hours per day and has worked flawlessly since I received it over 3 months ago. The price running at under $200 for this Canadian made vape is a fantastic value, I would highly recommend the Arizer Q Extreme to anyone who wants a quality product without breaking the bank. My only small complaint has been the glass elbow broke, partially my own fault but I wish it could be more robust, other than that this Vape gets 2 thumbs up!
Love it.
This was my second vaporizer. I had no idea if I would like vaporizers at all. My first purchase was a Magic Flight Launch Box, as an inexpensive, portable, test unit. What I decided from that venture was that I really, really, enjoyed vapes, and now wanted a home model. After a lot of research, I went with the Extreme Q. I had thought I would by using the whip most of the time, and the bag rarely. The opposite is true. I use the bags almost exclusively. I produces great tasting vapor. The unit allows for a wide range of temperatures, and fan speeds. I would not hesitate to recommend this unit to anyone. It is a great 'bang for the buck' value.
great vape and customer interaction
The vaporizer works really well and their customer interaction is very well focused and works for me. I'd read another review where they'd mentioned the handwritten card and I too, like it. I don't remember exactly what Miranda said on my card, it was probably just heaps of "eh!" but I appreciated it. I will be a returning customer for things I may not need because they're that good.
Good all-around
Ordered on a friday and received my order on monday in Quebec city on free shipping! Will order again from torontovaporizer.ca for sure.Good hybrid unit. Easy to setup, easy to clean. Fair price for a decent living room vape. I'm satisfied.
excellent for price, extra pieces will be needed
Machine itself its great, glass bowls and attachments are fragile. bags are lower quality than volcano. however, for the price it is an awesome unit and very effective. as many people have stated the remote is actually very useful and important. makes operating this thing easy. I have had both the volcano and this unit. The volcano is easier to use and has better quality bags and (self closing) mouth pieces. however, for 200 this gets the job done quite nicely and i have come to terms with the fact that i will need to order more bags and small glass pieces on occasion. For the money it is great. Also i should add that it comes with 2 sets of glass pieces so your covered for the first month or two (depending on how much you use it etc)
Great product with one small issue
This is a great product. I have had the Extreme Q for 3 months and the only complaint is that I have had to replace the glass elbow adapter twice already because it breaks off at the elbow.
Love the Q
Prob the best lil vape on the market, for the price that you pay! And you get all the accessories and a free grinder! and the machine is freaking awesome
Great product !
I was looking for a healthier way and I'm glad I found out about torontovaporizer.ca. Excellent customer service. I ordered Monday morning and received my order Wednesday afternoon. This is a great unit, it does everything i was looking for and the price point is great. I'm glad I didn't have to spend $700 to get an excellent product! Keep it up torontovaporizer.ca !
A Fantastic First
Prior to buying to the Arizer Extreme Q, I had only used one stationary vaporizer, the famous Volcano. I really enjoyed the Volcano, but I couldn't justify spending that much. I did some hunting around online and the Arizer vaporizers seem like the next best thing after the Volcano. I stumbled onto torontovaporizer by looking for video reviews, and once I decided on the Extreme Q I found their prices were the best for shopping in Canada, and the cheap shipping and added grinder were nice touches. So I decided to order from them. First, I should point out I ordered on a Monday night and received the package on Friday morning. There was a blizzard during that time too, so no complaints about shipping times.The package was extremely private and secure. It was marked as fragile with my shipping label on a brown box. I should point out here that this vaporizer is smaller than I expected! There's a lot inside that little box, so take time and make sure you don't inadvertently throw something out.
The vaporizer itself doesn't take any assembly or anything, but it can be configured depending on how you're using it. I have all the extra parts in a small box next to it. I've been using the remote almost exclusively, just because it's nice to be able to! The vaporizer heats up very quickly, about a minute to get to ideal temp. Three fan settings, and the lowest is very quiet. Even the high setting is not particularly loud. The vapour produced seems to be as good as I've had from a Volcano. But it's easy to use, easy to clean, and it's small! plus it glows blue in the dark. What else could you want? Torontovaporizer made it a very pleasant shopping experience. I'll be buying a portable unit here for sure!
The vaporizer itself doesn't take any assembly or anything, but it can be configured depending on how you're using it. I have all the extra parts in a small box next to it. I've been using the remote almost exclusively, just because it's nice to be able to! The vaporizer heats up very quickly, about a minute to get to ideal temp. Three fan settings, and the lowest is very quiet. Even the high setting is not particularly loud. The vapour produced seems to be as good as I've had from a Volcano. But it's easy to use, easy to clean, and it's small! plus it glows blue in the dark. What else could you want? Torontovaporizer made it a very pleasant shopping experience. I'll be buying a portable unit here for sure!
First Vape
This was my first Vaporizer I've ever purchased/used. Only vaping from now on! Before I start my review I just want to stress to those whom have not used a vaporizer - TRY ONE! I wish i did years ago.. I love vaping so much I bought THREE Portable ones!!!!! (yes, excessive, but If you know me it makes all the sense in the world lol) I LOVE my EXTREME Q! and its a great value. I did lots and lots of research on vaporizers before I made my purchase. Volcanoes are "the best" according to the internet. I would have been disappointed if I listened to random peoples opinions. I BELIEVE most people assume a higher price tag means better quality! (I'm not easily fooled). The Extreme Q is the best IMO because your not limited in a specific way to vape. If you prefer balloons you have that option and if you prefer the whip that options available too. Both ways are extremely awesome. If your unsure which method you'll prefer, like me, this is a great purchase then :) I mainly use the whip. The Extreme Q is AMAZING! Just buy one :)
After using a Volcano and a modified Digi-Vape, I can honestly say that this unit performs better than both of them. I've been using it for nearly a month, and it has every feature that you could want, plenty of accessories and spare parts, is made with a decent level of quality, if not quite as nice as the Volcano (some of the machined parts in the Volcano are simply gorgeous and explain the $670 price point a little better). A friend of mine with the Volcano prefers the Extreme Q.
Once you have been using this machine for a while, you will find that you usually keep it within a narrow range of your preferred settings, if even adjusting it at all, which makes it great for those who don't want to always fuss with things.
The automatic power off is really handy also.
It is definitely the quietest vape that I have used. The crinkling of the bag is much louder than the fan. That's how quiet the fan is.
As the fan pulls air right from the bottom of the unit, it is best if you don't set this thing up on the floor, on top of a pile of cat hair. It won't be pleasant.
I find the remote to be a little annoying, as I always need to be right at the unit to operate it anyway, and not having buttons for fan on/off make it annoying to operate without the remote.
The lack of a valve on the balloon mouth piece is little frustrating too, as you can't put the bag down for a moment, if you need two hands, without it self-emptying. The upside is that with the mouth piece being so simple, you get two of them with this kit, and can cycle bags continuously.
In conclusion, I would say that this machine far surpasses what I had expected for $200. Unless you are the kind of person who buys a BMW simply to show other people that you have a BMW, save the money that you would spend on a Volcano, and buy the Arizer Extreme Q!
I found the customer service at Toronto Vaporizer to be excellent. Although my unit was not in stock when I had ordered it, it came soon enough, and the person that I dealt with was knowledgeable and friendly. Getting a high quality Zeus grinder as a bonus was really nice as well.
Once you have been using this machine for a while, you will find that you usually keep it within a narrow range of your preferred settings, if even adjusting it at all, which makes it great for those who don't want to always fuss with things.
The automatic power off is really handy also.
It is definitely the quietest vape that I have used. The crinkling of the bag is much louder than the fan. That's how quiet the fan is.
As the fan pulls air right from the bottom of the unit, it is best if you don't set this thing up on the floor, on top of a pile of cat hair. It won't be pleasant.
I find the remote to be a little annoying, as I always need to be right at the unit to operate it anyway, and not having buttons for fan on/off make it annoying to operate without the remote.
The lack of a valve on the balloon mouth piece is little frustrating too, as you can't put the bag down for a moment, if you need two hands, without it self-emptying. The upside is that with the mouth piece being so simple, you get two of them with this kit, and can cycle bags continuously.
In conclusion, I would say that this machine far surpasses what I had expected for $200. Unless you are the kind of person who buys a BMW simply to show other people that you have a BMW, save the money that you would spend on a Volcano, and buy the Arizer Extreme Q!
I found the customer service at Toronto Vaporizer to be excellent. Although my unit was not in stock when I had ordered it, it came soon enough, and the person that I dealt with was knowledgeable and friendly. Getting a high quality Zeus grinder as a bonus was really nice as well.
Amazing Vaporizer
First off, I'd like to thank the good people at Toronto Vaporizer. I ordered an Extreme-Q, but received a V-Tower in error. Since I was heading by their pick-up location anyway, I stopped by to exchange it the next day. Excellent customer service, and they threw in a bunch of extra cleaning sticks / grime sticks.
As for the vaporizer? LOVE IT. By far, it's the best money I've ever spent on any "accessory", ever. I've owned an Arizer Solo for close to a year now. I love it as well, but it's chamber size is quite small. I found I was mainly using my vaporizer at home, so I opted to get the Extreme-Q.
It works great using the whip or the supplied bags and fan. So far I've had the best results filling up bags at around 180°C to 195°C. Also the Extreme Q comes with an extra 90° elbow with a standard 18.8mm socket.
The unit is well built overall. Sure, there are some plastic parts here and there, but it feels quite sturdy. The remote control is a great feature too. It heats up quickly and the marketing didn't lie: it's in fact very quiet even on the highest fan setting.
Clean-up is very straightforward as well. Overall, I give this unit 9/10. It's well designed, built and is very effective. I'd recommend it highly to anyone looking for a versatile, desktop vape.
As for the vaporizer? LOVE IT. By far, it's the best money I've ever spent on any "accessory", ever. I've owned an Arizer Solo for close to a year now. I love it as well, but it's chamber size is quite small. I found I was mainly using my vaporizer at home, so I opted to get the Extreme-Q.
It works great using the whip or the supplied bags and fan. So far I've had the best results filling up bags at around 180°C to 195°C. Also the Extreme Q comes with an extra 90° elbow with a standard 18.8mm socket.
The unit is well built overall. Sure, there are some plastic parts here and there, but it feels quite sturdy. The remote control is a great feature too. It heats up quickly and the marketing didn't lie: it's in fact very quiet even on the highest fan setting.
Clean-up is very straightforward as well. Overall, I give this unit 9/10. It's well designed, built and is very effective. I'd recommend it highly to anyone looking for a versatile, desktop vape.
everything I hoped for
why didn't I do this sooner ?? great service, thanks guys !!
Just Get It!
You will not be disappointed.
Best vape for the buck
Great product, purchase I should've made long ago. I'm not a reviewer kinda guy but I felt like its necessary to put in the effort because this thing is worth it. Most of the reviews are fairly accurate in terms of quality, vape quality, control and countless peripherals.
Excellent product, highly recommended!
Works wonderful and lasts for many years!
Awesome piece of technology
This machine excellent in every way . i modded my bags to include a foodsafe valve off a wine box . This was a easy and cheap solution to my only issue which was unsealable bags. the product is accurate and produce better tasting vapor the the Volcano ever could . besides the heating element isnt aluminium so it wont become toxic over time. eat that $669 Volcano.
Great Quality
Have been using this model for a while as my everyday vaporizer and its built to last. Probably best vaporizer for the price. Can't go wrong.
very good product
This device is amazing. Excellent quality. Does everything advertized in a really cool and stylish way. Would definitely recommend to friends. Thanks guys.
Awesome for the price
Service was awesome, received the product within days! Everything is great for the EQ only downfall i have found with it so far is the lack of range from the remote. I'm talking like 2 feet at most. Also pulling the bag out of the small whip is sometimes difficult after a couple of bags. Overall great product with many options to add on, a valve would be nice if they ever made an upgraded version of the Q. That way you don't lose any Vapors
Great product that can't be beat for the price!
The Extreme Q is a great unit that can't be beat for the price! I've used it every day since purchasing it just over a month ago and I'm very pleased with it. I prefer to use the whip when alone and the bag comes in handy when with friends. I also upgraded to the Zeus bolt grinder and it is by far the best grinder that I've ever owned. I also found that Toronto Vaporizer has great customer service and I plan on being a repeat customer in the future. Overall, I would definitely recommend this product to anyone looking for a stationary vape or someone that is caught between a portable and a stationary vape.
The Extreme-Q is extremely worth your time!!!
This Vaporizer is the real deal. At a third of the price of the digital Volcano, I expected something inferior to the volcano.
I was very pleasantly proven to be wrong in those expectations.
Toronto Vaporizer also sent the package very quickly. The extras that they had available for the unit were perfect!
I bought three of the Extreme-Q's on this site for the price of two at my local store. MERRY CHRISTMAS to my family this year :)
I was very pleasantly proven to be wrong in those expectations.
Toronto Vaporizer also sent the package very quickly. The extras that they had available for the unit were perfect!
I bought three of the Extreme-Q's on this site for the price of two at my local store. MERRY CHRISTMAS to my family this year :)
Amazing device
The Extreme Q is awesome! It is well built, simple to operate and extremely effective. Made in Canada, this is cool.
Thank you TorontoVaporizer for a great product, excellent service and lightning fast shipping.
Thank you TorontoVaporizer for a great product, excellent service and lightning fast shipping.
Great experience
The first thing that I have to say is that TorontoVaporizer is an awesome Canadian company. I had the order in 4 business days, there prices are great and it came with a free grinder which I upgraded. I bought the extreme q because it had a few options other vaporizers don't. I used the whip for the first 5-6 days and it worked great between 185-205. Just used the balloon for the second time and its great because its portable. If I'm in the market for another vaporizer I will definitely be buying from you guys.
Toronto Vaporizer - outstanding customer service/care.
Product - outstanding on function, design, build and results. So happy with this unit and very pleased that I purchased it here. The freebie grinder was an added bonus
Product - outstanding on function, design, build and results. So happy with this unit and very pleased that I purchased it here. The freebie grinder was an added bonus
I didn't really think I needed something this big, but I saw it was on sale so I got it and I wasn't disappointed.The girl I talked to when I went in was so nice. Great service and staff at TorontoV. Im a customer for life.
extreme q pros an cons
i ordered the extreme q. it came in good time i was pleased with that and everything was all there.
excellent product
Easy too use, great quality and exactly as advertised with lots of extras included/spare parts. The free grinder is the best one i have ever owned so its worth ordering from Toronto Vaporizer!! Package arrived within 24 hours and each piece was individually wrapped in foam inside the box, so nothing broken. Plus nice HAND WRITTEN note which was something I've never seen and i order online a lot! Awesome service. Very happy!!
Great Buy!
Sooo awesome!
Love it
I just got mine yesterday and used it and I'm sold on Vaporizing I've love it amazing machine and the price is the best in the market and Toronto Vaporizers and the best and the cheapest I looked around and saw this is the best Vaporizer by far
I was reviewing this vaporizer and a few others when coincidentally my buddy called me out of the blue (were not very close) and told me he had just purchased an Extreme Q from a local shop. I went and tried it out just to seal the deal. It's great. I immediately came home and placed my order while it was still on sale. It arrived in 3 business days and also included a free Zues grinder which is the best quality grinder that I've used to date. 10/10. I also saved over $100~ by purchasing online. Would recommend to anyone interested in a good quality vaporizer.
Order yesterday and receive it right now ..! Fast like crazy, first time using a vape and it has already changed my life!
Easy to use, many functions (even if i prefer the bag and dont think i'd use the whip), fast and elegant..
toronto vapo : great advices ship fast as hell and very nice customer services..!
Easy to use, many functions (even if i prefer the bag and dont think i'd use the whip), fast and elegant..
toronto vapo : great advices ship fast as hell and very nice customer services..!
Good quality, great price, high functionality and a very happy customer!
The shipping was fast also :
The shipping was fast also :
One of the BEST vaporizers I've ever used
I'm overall loving the Extreme Q by Arizer, I've used box vapes and the Volcano digital in the past and I must say the EQ is almost as good as the Volcano however the EQ is more than $300 cheaper than the Volcano! I've been using the bag attachment and it has been working very well, my only problem is that you need to hold your finger on the mouthpiece to the bag to stop vapour from escaping(The Volcano doesn't have this problem). The extra screens, bowl, and other pieces you get are really useful too, best $200 you can spend imo.
amazing product and service
This vap is worth every cent. Excellent quality and options. Service was great and free Zeus grinder does a great job. A+
Simple, efficient, versatile, love it
I wanted to live with the Q for a time before saying my piece.
Got it promptly and at a great price. Packaging was good and solid as a rock, no chance of receiving a broken unit from transport.
The unit was set up in 10 minutes. After its dry-run I was enjoying smooth vapor. Way better than I believed possible.
Bags are great for 2+ and the whip is perfect for one. All glass, easy to reload and clean.
Remote control is fantastic and controls are intuitive. Where has this been all my life?
Got it promptly and at a great price. Packaging was good and solid as a rock, no chance of receiving a broken unit from transport.
The unit was set up in 10 minutes. After its dry-run I was enjoying smooth vapor. Way better than I believed possible.
Bags are great for 2+ and the whip is perfect for one. All glass, easy to reload and clean.
Remote control is fantastic and controls are intuitive. Where has this been all my life?
I really like this vape for my purposes. I can use a whip if I want my vapor quick and simple, or I can get balloons of vapor if I want to move around. It's perfect for home use, and I don't know anything else that's this adaptable. The glass parts make for really good vapor quality, and it's so easy to use. This is definitely one to recommend to your friends.
Great product and great service
I had purchased the Extreme Q Vaporizer for my wife, great service and fast shipping from TorontoVaporizer. The product itself is nicely build, very easy to use and best of all, works great.
First Vape
I love it! I had only used one a couple of times before but never had this quality. Shipping was super fast to US, too! Thanks!! Probably will be ordering more everyone who's seen it has loved it!
Happy with product
The arizer changed my whole view. I now understand why it's right beside the volcano in the vaping world because it is fantastic. No regrets. I'm pissed off about the shipping it took longer than I thought. But apparently there was an issue, and it was fixed. Anyways, shipping aside the vape makes up for it. And I'm really liking the Zeus crank grinder. I look forward to maybe getting the volcano one day. But for now the arizer is the next best thing I've used.
Toronto V and the Extreme Q are top notch 100% Recommended
Arizer made a great vaporizer at a great price. Heats up fast, tons of settings, best vape even for new comers to the vaping world.
Toronto Vaporizer was a great help in quickly obtaining the right vape. I placed my order at 4:30PM and had my order at my door the next day before noon.
Great customer service, great products, best prices. 5 out of 5 all day for product quality, and customer service.
Toronto Vaporizer was a great help in quickly obtaining the right vape. I placed my order at 4:30PM and had my order at my door the next day before noon.
Great customer service, great products, best prices. 5 out of 5 all day for product quality, and customer service.
Love it!
Been using this vape for the last 3 months, works perfect.
The shipping was so fast I think I got this baby in less than 3 days
4 of my friends odered one right after using mine :D
I also love the zeus grinder, it looks good and it works well
Thank you toronto vaporizer !
The shipping was so fast I think I got this baby in less than 3 days
4 of my friends odered one right after using mine :D
I also love the zeus grinder, it looks good and it works well
Thank you toronto vaporizer !
Great Vape
I purchased the ExtremeQ, as my first vape, although I wanted a Volcano, I thought the 1/3 price, would be a good entry level vape.
I am more than happy with my purchase. Nice, clean tasty vapour!
No issues, other than clumsily breaking a bowl knocking it over, but I replaced it with one with silicone protection for heat and dropping. Be warned, the bowl can get hot right after vaping.
I'd buy a few extra bags, screens, etc, when you order, as you will need replacements eventually, so you might as well save on the shipping.
If you're on the fence, grab this vape, you won't be disappointed.
I am more than happy with my purchase. Nice, clean tasty vapour!
No issues, other than clumsily breaking a bowl knocking it over, but I replaced it with one with silicone protection for heat and dropping. Be warned, the bowl can get hot right after vaping.
I'd buy a few extra bags, screens, etc, when you order, as you will need replacements eventually, so you might as well save on the shipping.
If you're on the fence, grab this vape, you won't be disappointed.
Amazing product and service
I can't get over how good the extreme q really is. I wish I had learned about vaporizers years ago. The Q gives amazing vapor quality. How good is it? Well since I bought it earlier this year I have referred 5 other people to Toronto vaporizer and all bought one after using mine. Make sure you keep it clean for best vapor quality and taste! That's one thing i was surprised on how good the vapor tastes!
Man, this is a third of the price of the Volcano and I honestly can'ttell the difference. It's such a great device. I like the multi functionality and the remote. Really smooth draws and LOTS of vapor. I have pretty much stopped coughing altogether after using this all the time. The lights on the bottom are sick.
Also, this is the best place to buy it from,the salesgirl I talked to was so nice on the phone and the shipping is pretty fast for somewhere across the country.
Also, this is the best place to buy it from,the salesgirl I talked to was so nice on the phone and the shipping is pretty fast for somewhere across the country.
Extreme Q
After being introduced to vaping by a friend who bought a Vapor Daddy (cheap wooden box with a whip) I decided to buy one myself.
My initial thoughts were to buy a Volcano, but after doing some research, decided that the good reviews on the Extreme Q and the $199 price tag made the choice easy to try the Q.
The customer service is better than most stores you will deal with... It kind of reminded me of Apple, and their geniuses, because the people here were very helpful.
I paid for priority shipping, and the box arrived 2 days after I ordered it, although it seemed like ages.
It was very well packaged, and I unpacked everything, and fired it up.
The first bowl, amazed at the quality of the vapor.
I've had it for around a few months now, and I wish I had bought this long ago.
To be honest, I've only used the whip a few times, I prefer the mobility of filling the bag, and not being tied to the vaporizer...
You have to be careful, as there are some glass parts, I have already broken a bowl, being careless.
Very little care to clean.
Keeping the bowl clean ensures tasty bags. All in all, I would recommend this vape (A few friends have already bought from torontovape as well!) if you are thinking of buying one, it isn't the most expensive, but it is a great entry/mid level vape.
My initial thoughts were to buy a Volcano, but after doing some research, decided that the good reviews on the Extreme Q and the $199 price tag made the choice easy to try the Q.
The customer service is better than most stores you will deal with... It kind of reminded me of Apple, and their geniuses, because the people here were very helpful.
I paid for priority shipping, and the box arrived 2 days after I ordered it, although it seemed like ages.
It was very well packaged, and I unpacked everything, and fired it up.
The first bowl, amazed at the quality of the vapor.
I've had it for around a few months now, and I wish I had bought this long ago.
To be honest, I've only used the whip a few times, I prefer the mobility of filling the bag, and not being tied to the vaporizer...
You have to be careful, as there are some glass parts, I have already broken a bowl, being careless.
Very little care to clean.
Keeping the bowl clean ensures tasty bags. All in all, I would recommend this vape (A few friends have already bought from torontovape as well!) if you are thinking of buying one, it isn't the most expensive, but it is a great entry/mid level vape.
Toronto Vaporizer and EQ are A1
Dealing with Toronto Vaporizer was efficient and expedient. The chat help was a nice and unexpected touch.
My EQ vape and I have gotten to be pretty good friends in the two weeks that I've had it. The unit is well built and produces good quality vapour. The remote is an awesome feature and where I at first thought the light on the base to be of questionable value all changed when I found the light was controllable thought the remote. That made it cool. Overall really like this thing. Would recommend and recommend.
My EQ vape and I have gotten to be pretty good friends in the two weeks that I've had it. The unit is well built and produces good quality vapour. The remote is an awesome feature and where I at first thought the light on the base to be of questionable value all changed when I found the light was controllable thought the remote. That made it cool. Overall really like this thing. Would recommend and recommend.
First vaporizer, very happy.
I ordered this product on June 10th, and received it on June 14th, not bad for $5 shipping.
The vaporizer works great, the box from TorontoVaporizer had a lot of padding, so everything was intact. All the glass pieces were wrapped in bubble paper.
I upgrade the grinder to the one with a crank (Vortex) and I must say it is the best grinder i have owned.
The vape bags are a bit of a challenge to attach to their mouth pieces, although one does come pre-assembled in the box. The instructions that come with them make it look easy...
Great product and service, I have recommended this site to friends!
The vaporizer works great, the box from TorontoVaporizer had a lot of padding, so everything was intact. All the glass pieces were wrapped in bubble paper.
I upgrade the grinder to the one with a crank (Vortex) and I must say it is the best grinder i have owned.
The vape bags are a bit of a challenge to attach to their mouth pieces, although one does come pre-assembled in the box. The instructions that come with them make it look easy...
Great product and service, I have recommended this site to friends!
Great vape!
I love my EQ! It's just what I need and it looks classy and sleek. I thought it would be hard to use at first, and boy was I wrong. The glass parts give great vapor and are actually really easy to clean. THis is perfect for me and I bet it'd be perfect for you too!
I am very pleased with this vaporizer,It is totally worth the money I spent on it.So easy to operate and gives a great smooth vapor.I love everything this vaporizer has.I would recommend it to anyone looking for a quality vaporizer Extremely fast shipping. Conservative and well packaged.
Everything about this vape is awesome. I thought it was expensive at first but now that I've got it it's so worth it, and especially compared to the other balloon vapes. It's so easy since there's preset temps on the remote. The only annoying thing is getting the mouthpieces onto the damn balloons, but i switched to rubber bands and that helped.
Highly Recommend!!
I must say at first I was skeptical because I didn't think a vape at this price point would be any good. But this vape is great. It's feature rich, quality built, heats up fast and one the thing I like most is that it comes with a bunch of extra parts. The vapor is of top quality. I've been converted to a vaper!!
Extremely Pleased
I had no experience with vaporizers but after 34 years I wanted to give my lungs a break. I did a lot of research prior to buying and almost backed out twice. Thankfully I waited and then found Torontovap on Facebook. I have no regrets about my purchase. I was apprehensive about not using it properly but it was a piece of cake to set up and use. I did need to consult a Celcius/Fahrenheit converter but now I'm golden.The unit seems durable and I like the 3 year warranty as well as the lifetime warranty on the heating element. I was glad to see that a ceramic heater is used as I was worried about parts from China being used and then who knows what I'd be inhaling but ceramic is safe. I have yet to use the balloon but I do find that not having a valve on it is the one down side that I have found. Everyone told me to get a Volcano but that is way out of my price range. In terms of bang for your buck this unit delivers.
Shipping was very fast seeing that it was coming in from Canada as I got it in less than a week. Everything was packaged properly to arrive safely which it all did. I am very pleased with the service that I have received from Toronto Vaporizer and I will be a returning customer for all of my vaping needs. Now I need a smartphone so I can get the QRC app to get in on some good deals. Thanks Toronto Vaporizer !
Shipping was very fast seeing that it was coming in from Canada as I got it in less than a week. Everything was packaged properly to arrive safely which it all did. I am very pleased with the service that I have received from Toronto Vaporizer and I will be a returning customer for all of my vaping needs. Now I need a smartphone so I can get the QRC app to get in on some good deals. Thanks Toronto Vaporizer !
Excellent unit that will not leave you disappointed
What can I say I absolutely love this unit, it was a little smaller then what i expected but that's definitely a good thing! Both the balloon and the style of the bowl makes this vaporizer awesome! Vapor tastes amazing and you can tell the unit is quality made! I would recommend it to everyone I know!
Bag or Whip Each Do The Trick
There is no other way to explain this product, other than for the price it's the best product out there and it will be my main vape for years to come.
Everything you need
This lets you vaporize anyway you want, and it's all really easy (except putting the balloons together the first time) I never use the balloons on my own, but my rm does and she likes it. Whip style is as fast as you want to take draws, and everything tastes great.
Trust me, you can't go wrong with this vap. Wish I had bought one loooooooooong ago.
Easy to use, great features such as the remote and switching between whip / balloon. I would recommend this vape to anyone, especially if price is an issue for you. Great value for the over all price!
TorontoVaporizer's staff are super nice and the customer service level I received was tremendous, especially while placing my order via the online chat which I thought was brilliant. They make you feel welcomed and even with a hand written thank you post-it when you get your package. I would definitely shop from them again! Overall from my personal experience 5/5! Nailed it.
TorontoVaporizer's staff are super nice and the customer service level I received was tremendous, especially while placing my order via the online chat which I thought was brilliant. They make you feel welcomed and even with a hand written thank you post-it when you get your package. I would definitely shop from them again! Overall from my personal experience 5/5! Nailed it.
This thing is just amazing. I really like having both methods available, so it's got that over other vapes. It's also got amazing quality - everything works perfectly and fits exactly like it should with no need to jam any parts together. It's not too hard to clean either.
All the extra features on this unit are great. I like the lights around the bottom and the adjustable fan speed. Also, I totally recommend getting the Care Package. It's great that you can get everything you might ever want to replace all at once and at a discount!
All the extra features on this unit are great. I like the lights around the bottom and the adjustable fan speed. Also, I totally recommend getting the Care Package. It's great that you can get everything you might ever want to replace all at once and at a discount!
does what it says!!!
This is one well engineered piece!! works great and a much healthier way!!!
Oh no, missing reviews!
Hey, at least the reviews missing means that this one is visible istead of buried in a landslide lol.
I love my EQ and especially that it gives great vapor but it's so much cheaper than the volcano. It's really convenient having both options available. if I'm just going to be sitting watching tv then I don't need a balloon, but they're great for vaporizing with more than one person and if i'm doing something around the house so it's good to have that mobility option.
I love my EQ and especially that it gives great vapor but it's so much cheaper than the volcano. It's really convenient having both options available. if I'm just going to be sitting watching tv then I don't need a balloon, but they're great for vaporizing with more than one person and if i'm doing something around the house so it's good to have that mobility option.
Very happy customer!
To start, the customer service at this site is great. Above and beyond the average company, polite and professional. Extremely fast shipping, my order was processed and shipped Monday, the package arrived Wednesday. Well packaged, nothing out of place.
The vaporizer itself is incredible, the auto off, accurate heat control and the option of using a bag or whip were all big selling points for me. The unit is much lighter in weight then I had expected but much more durable feeling/looking then I had expected also. It is also a very clean looking unit.
I was hesitant for many reasons when it came to buying a vaporizer, I shopped around for well over a year. I found the best prices, best customer service and the best vaporizer at this site.
I am very happy with my Extreme Q and would recommend it to anyone looking for a quality vaporizer.
The vaporizer itself is incredible, the auto off, accurate heat control and the option of using a bag or whip were all big selling points for me. The unit is much lighter in weight then I had expected but much more durable feeling/looking then I had expected also. It is also a very clean looking unit.
I was hesitant for many reasons when it came to buying a vaporizer, I shopped around for well over a year. I found the best prices, best customer service and the best vaporizer at this site.
I am very happy with my Extreme Q and would recommend it to anyone looking for a quality vaporizer.
great experience with both the Q tower and Toronto Vape
Im going to put it plain and simple. The Q is the way to go, I have tried the davinci and owned a N02 in the past and I would put the Q waay above these. As for Toronto Vape the customer service was outstanding (which is nice when your in the customer service industry and give it your all!) I will deffintly come here for all my needs in the future as they truly make you want to shop with them. Especially with the nice freebies! Thanks Toronto Vape for all your info in helping me find the right product based on previous expeiences and flaws with other vaporizers!
Best ever!
The Extreme Q is awesome! Bought it last week and I really am enjoying it.
Perhaps when the volcano goes on special, id check it out, but for now this will do.
Indeed everything is delightful, the packaging is really nicely thought of. I really have nothing bad to say about it.
I would give it a 6/5 stars if that was possible.
Perhaps when the volcano goes on special, id check it out, but for now this will do.
Indeed everything is delightful, the packaging is really nicely thought of. I really have nothing bad to say about it.
I would give it a 6/5 stars if that was possible.
works great!
Had mine for ages now, and the only thing that went wrong was that I dropped one of the glass parts. THis unit gives great service and vapor and keeps working perfectly all the time. It's got more options than anything else and it's really easy to use. I love the remote.
The best ever and TorontoVape gals are super nice. I have no complaints whatso ever and shipping was really ....i mean i wait for stuff from ebay sometimes for up to a month, but i order and had it at my place in Vancouver less than a week later!
Good purchase! Seriously pleased!
I usually don't write reviews of stuff when I buy something online but I'm so glad of buying this vaporizer that I came back to share bout this. First it's my first vaporizer, so Im sorta new and still excited about vaporizing. I had it for about 2 months now and never felt better.
The device itself feels like great quality to me. You can feel its good grade plastics and all, pretty much like a playstation, or other high tech gizmos. It looks hightech too, the lighting at the base looks good.
The vapor is clear. The glass parts are the best you canet.
The remote control looked really stupid at first, but its not so crazy. You won,t live without it. Trust me.
Now with the things I dont like.
The temperature shown on the screen is the actual ceramic element temperature. So it actually takes about 7-8 minutes to get everything ready. It took me a while to get this.
Its is also a little bit noisy.
Also, the instructions coming with the device are a total joke. But its okay, just look online and find some good video to learn how to do it. It's a bit tricky. You can also use the video on the product page, which i find is the best.
In conclusion, I'm really glad I got this one. It is the best Price/Quality ratio. Its cheap. And think about your lungs if you're not vaporizing yet.
The device itself feels like great quality to me. You can feel its good grade plastics and all, pretty much like a playstation, or other high tech gizmos. It looks hightech too, the lighting at the base looks good.
The vapor is clear. The glass parts are the best you canet.
The remote control looked really stupid at first, but its not so crazy. You won,t live without it. Trust me.
Now with the things I dont like.
The temperature shown on the screen is the actual ceramic element temperature. So it actually takes about 7-8 minutes to get everything ready. It took me a while to get this.
Its is also a little bit noisy.
Also, the instructions coming with the device are a total joke. But its okay, just look online and find some good video to learn how to do it. It's a bit tricky. You can also use the video on the product page, which i find is the best.
In conclusion, I'm really glad I got this one. It is the best Price/Quality ratio. Its cheap. And think about your lungs if you're not vaporizing yet.
complicated but works well
there are a little too many glass parts with this vape. I have to stash half of them away. I can see how some of my firends get a little confused. We are seniors so we have less patience than the younger folks. So this review is for Serniors.
Overall however after you get past the initial confusion, the vaporizer works without any issues. I had to call customer service to take me through the whole temeperature settings, but thank god they actually did help. usually i am used to being on hold with rogers for half an hour till some human picks up.
anyway overall happy with the unit.
Overall however after you get past the initial confusion, the vaporizer works without any issues. I had to call customer service to take me through the whole temeperature settings, but thank god they actually did help. usually i am used to being on hold with rogers for half an hour till some human picks up.
anyway overall happy with the unit.
Sexy, efficient, versatile vaporizer.
This vaporizer is extremely easy to set up, use and clean. What I really liked were the glass pieces, so that you can see exactly what is happening. Everything seemed well-constructed, and fit together perfectly. It was very easy to pass the whip around for multiple people to use. The design, especially with the blue lights, is really excellent.
Happy with my purchase
I am quite happy with this vaporizer. The quality is really good, the lcd screen is kind of annoying to use but since it comes with a remote that's not an issue. There are 3 fan settings, and many display options. The fan does work pretty slow, but the end result is always great.
sick i get to be first
well, i bought my Extreme Q two weeks ago and already left a review, but it seems like god has given me a chance to be the first so I am rewriting.
The Extreme Vape is probably the best purchase i made in the last year. I wanted to get the volcano orginally, but after looking at the rankings went for the cheaper Extreme.
The glass pieces all fit with no problem and the vapor is just delicous! Solid manufacturing.
So I am a happy camper and give the vape a 5/5 rating!
BTW sorry to hear they lost their ratings, but the Extreme is pretty well known and there are like 1000000 reviews out ther and youtube videos and stuff.....so no worries Torontovap !
Delivery and serivice was super fast BTW.....yaaaaay i am the first review!
The Extreme Vape is probably the best purchase i made in the last year. I wanted to get the volcano orginally, but after looking at the rankings went for the cheaper Extreme.
The glass pieces all fit with no problem and the vapor is just delicous! Solid manufacturing.
So I am a happy camper and give the vape a 5/5 rating!
BTW sorry to hear they lost their ratings, but the Extreme is pretty well known and there are like 1000000 reviews out ther and youtube videos and stuff.....so no worries Torontovap !
Delivery and serivice was super fast BTW.....yaaaaay i am the first review!
Missing Reviews
We apologize for the lack of customer reviews. Due to a system error we lost 70-80 customer reviews from the past years, rating the Extreme Q at 4.82 Stars out of 5.
As time goes on we will have reviews accumulate again. The Arizer EQ has been one of the top selling Stationary Vaporizers and customer satisfaction is only second to the industry leading Volcano Vaporizer.
As time goes on we will have reviews accumulate again. The Arizer EQ has been one of the top selling Stationary Vaporizers and customer satisfaction is only second to the industry leading Volcano Vaporizer.
Way too cheap for how great it is
So, I decided to get the best vape I could, and man was I not disappointed. I'm almost not sorry I can't afford a Volcano.
The best thing about this is the remote. The vapor is pretty amazing. It's really efficient.
There's too many little glass pieces in this thing for me, but that's a minor issue and it does make the vapor quality much better. The display would be an issue, but there's a remote, so instead of being complicated and annoying it's so easy. This is a great choice, I really recommend it.
The best thing about this is the remote. The vapor is pretty amazing. It's really efficient.
There's too many little glass pieces in this thing for me, but that's a minor issue and it does make the vapor quality much better. The display would be an issue, but there's a remote, so instead of being complicated and annoying it's so easy. This is a great choice, I really recommend it.
Can't say enough about this vaporizer, other than there is no way you will be, disappointed. Has lots of vape, n at its cost is a steal. The remote is a bonus. Only wish the ballon came with, a valve.
Best bang for buck period.
This unit is amazing!
Vapor quality is top notch
Heats up quickly
So many options!
This unit is the upper middle class champion of vaporizers. With the Volcano being the upper class.
Vapor quality is top notch
Heats up quickly
So many options!
This unit is the upper middle class champion of vaporizers. With the Volcano being the upper class.