Zeus Arc vs Utillian 722 Vaporizer Showdown

Aktualisiert: Oktober 6, 2023
The Zeus Arc is an ultra portable cloud pumping machine that features a 3500 mah battery, a gold heat path, and a built-in tool. The Utillian 722 is a convection based vapor ripping portable device with refined airflow, 30 second heat up time, and tasty vapor. These two devices are both in my go to roster and I recommend them all the time. I’ve been getting the question a lot lately of which one is better. So we’re going to dive in and tackle the differences and help you make an informed decision!

Zeus Arc vs Utillian 722

Dr. Clemens Tscheka
Zeus Arc GTS Hub
Zeus Arc GT3
259,99 €
14 Tage Rückgabe
Kostenlose Lieferung
Tvape Garantie
Dr. Clemens Tscheka

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Zeus Arc mouth pieceVapor Quality

The Utillian 722 has a wide open airflow and convection heating – two things that I absolutely love in a vaporizer. Both of these things contribute to excellent, tasty, free flowing vapor and a seriously unbelievable amount of clouds – okay fine, it’s believable, but it’s a lot. The 722 has 4 temperature settings that help you customize the type of session you want. The bottom two are great for flavor and the top two are excellent for cloud production. Plus, that fifth temperature, the top temperature of 225C, helps you get the most extraction out of your herbs.

The Zeus Arc has an all gold vapor path and offers a unique conduction flavor profile that has the ability to melt your face off. Your herbs are cooked evenly, with a stir helping to make sure you’ve extracted fully. The airflow is wide open, and if you’d like to open it up even further, you can remove the flow sink screen at the bottom of the chamber. But right away at the lowest temperature you’re producing a decent amount of visible vapor. The heatsink in the mouthpiece allows the vapor path to be as long as possible and cools the vapor down really well before it hits your lips – even at the highest temperature the hits are smooth.

This one’s tough, I think both excel in their category – I’m going to call it a tie.

Zeus Arc vs Mighty front displayManufacturing Quality

The build quality of the Arc is impeccable, with a hard coat anodized aluminum shell and its sleek, black finish it certainly looks pretty and can withstand a drop or two. It feels nice in the hand and fits completely into a closed fist. The built in stir tool is a nice touch, and even more awesome in my opinion is the built-in scoop in the top of the device that makes loading super easy. The all gold vapor path is nothing to scoff at either – the taste is great and the fact that they managed to make the vapor path so long for cool hits can’t be discounted.


The Utillian 722 is also manufactured well, it’s sprayed aluminum finish on the gunmetal grey model (my favourite) looks sleek and again can stand up to drops. The convection heating chamber is well built, and the whole thing is stylish. The mouthpiece, as mentioned before, is wide open and the magnetic mouthpiece makes loading super easy. I also like that Utillian has clearly thought about cleaning, with the fact that you really only have to worry about the screen in the mouthpiece. 

Both devices are well built, charge via a microUSB port at the bottom, and can stand up to a couple drops. I’m gonna say this one is a tie as well.

Utillian 722 vs Arizer Air 2 in useEase of Use

Both devices are simple to use, with one button for your convenience. The Arc features a built in stir tool and that loading top for easy loading, but that’s matched by the Utillian 722’s magnetic mouthpiece.

The Arc is a little harder to clean, but Zeus has included all the tools you need to clean it in the box. But either way, with both devices, you can take them right out of the box and use them without having to spend too much time reading the instruction manual. 


This one is also a tie.

Zeus Arc with armor casePortability

The Utillian 722 is a portable device. It fits in your hand, has a sturdy shell, and the 2300 mah battery will last you a night out or two. It fits into a pocket or bag, and with that swivel mouthpiece you won’t worry about breaking it any time soon.

The Zeus Arc is among the best in the portable category, with a 3500 mah battery, a tiny profile that fits in your hand easily, and again, I’m going to mention the built-in stir tool and easy loading top that make repacking your device on the go a breezy experience. 

The Arc edges out the 722 in this category.

Zeus Arc batteryBattery Life

The Arc features a 3500mah battery in case you haven’t heard me say it enough. It will last you up to 90 minutes of continuous use, which realistically can last you more than a day even if you’re hauling down your bowls like Ice Road Truckers haul whatever it is they haul to wherever it is they go – I’ve never watched the show. 

The Utillian 722 features a respectable 2300mah battery that will last you 60 minutes of continuous use – not bad at all, but certainly outmatched by the Arcs.

This one goes to the Arc.

Utillian 721 vs Utillian 722 power controlTemperature Flexibility

The Arc has 3 temperature settings – right out of the box they are 205, 215, and 225, which are excellent for extraction.

You can also customize your settings with the desktop app for the Arc – my personal favourite is the Balanced with Iceborn version, which changes the temperatures to 185, 205 and 225 – you still have that top temperature for full extraction, but the flavor off the lowest temperature is even better.

The Utillian 722 has 4 preset temperatures, 180, 190, 200, 210C which provide an excellent spread for flavor and cloud production. The top temperature of 225C can be accessed by holding the button down just to squeeze every last drop out of your bowl.

I think this one’s a tie as well. 

Zeus Arc vs Mighty winnerSHOWDOWN

So there you have it – the Zeus Arc and Utillian 722 are pretty similar in a broad sense – they’ll both give you tasty vapor, they both have the ability to pump out clouds with the best of them, and they are both built very well. The Arc edges out the 722 in 3 categories – portability, discreetness, and battery life, which makes sense.

I’d say if you take the majority of your sessions on the go, definitely go for the Arc. If you’re mostly an at home user, then it becomes more of a debate. That convection flavor of the Utillian 722 is a plus, but on the flip side the gold vapor path definitely keeps the Arc nice and flavorful as well.

The last thing to consider is the price – the Utillian 722 is about two thirds of the price of the Arc. So you’ve got a tough decision ahead of you. I hope this helped!

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Ein echter Liebhaber der Welt der Vaporizer. Er benutzt sie nicht nur leidenschaftlich gerne, sondern schreibt auch seine Erkenntnisse auf und teilt sie mit anderen Enthusiasten. Wann immer ein neuer Vaporizer oder ein neuer Trend auf den Markt kommt, ist Kirill der Erste, der sich damit befasst und dafür sorgt, dass seine Leser immer auf dem Laufenden sind. Egal, ob es sich um einen umfassenden Testbericht, einen detaillierten Leitfaden oder einen aufschlussreichen Einblick handelt, Kirills Engagement für Authentizität und Klarheit ist unübersehbar und festigt seinen Ruf als verlässliche Autorität im Bereich des Verdampfens. Aber nicht nur Vaporizer haben es ihm angetan, er ist auch ein leidenschaftlicher Abenteurer, der gerne neue Gebiete erkundet und sich dem Nervenkitzel extremer Fahrten stellt. Die Rezensionen und Bewertungen basieren auf persönlicher und jahrzehntelanger Branchenerfahrung. Diese Inhalte basieren auf der Meinung des Herausgebers/Autors. Sie dienen lediglich als Grundlage für die Recherche und sollten nur als Orientierungshilfe verwendet werden. Wir empfehlen allen Besuchern eine gründliche Recherche, um sich vor dem Kauf ein möglichst objektives Bild machen zu können.